Curbtender Sweepers, LLC Sentry Street Sweeper
The Sentry is an under CDL regenerative air sweeper. While small in weight, it still handles a serious load. One or two 34″ gutter brooms spread out up to 12 feet to move the debris towards the center of a 77″ vacuum head. The 31″ diameter fan draws debris into the Sentry’s large 4.5 cubic yard hopper. Meanwhile, the 200-gallon water tank and dust suppression system help keep dust to a minimum. When fully loaded the hopper dumps at a height of 70″, tall enough to load into an on-site commercial dumpster.
A Good Head On Its Shoulders
The Sentry comes equipped with a unique pickup head with a crescent-shaped leading profile. This design allows certain debris types, like plastic bottles, to collect towards the center of the pickup. On many competitor models, the plastic bottle would instead hit the straight edge head design and kick out away from the sweeper. When debris like plastic bottles or leaves accumulates in front of the pickup head, the operator can activate a temporary lift switch. This temporary lift tilts the front of the pickup head upwards to allow the debris to pass underneath and into the vacuum mechanism.
Pony Power
Hydraulic functions are powered by the standard Ford auxiliary engine. This 2.5L four-cylinder engine produces a generous 84 horsepower. For customers desiring diesel power, the optional HATZ Tier IV Final diesel engine is available and generates 74.5HP.
Hardox® In Our Body
The entire hopper of the Sentry air sweeper is designed of Hardox 450 abrasion resistant steel. Incorporating this specialty steel ensures years of productive service for the owner. Additionally, the entire fan mechanism is fabricated from Hardox 450 steel. This ensures that the fine debris in the vacuum circuit does not eat away at the Sentry’s fan as quickly as it will for our competitors.
Operation Under Control
Every sweeper manufactured by Curbtender Sweepers comes equipped with advanced controls that feature incredible customization as well as diagnostic information. All electrical inputs and outputs are found in the diagnostic screens, as well as whether or not those components are sending or receiving a signal. Furthermore, the electronic operational controls are back by a 3-year warranty. This includes I/O modules, controllers, proximity switches, smart switches, and the controls display screen.
Right Tool for the Job
Designed with durability and performance in mind, the Sentry is the right tool for the job. It also features two rear-mounted toolboxes with cross-channel storage for rakes and shovels, so you can bring your other tools to the job too!