Curbtender, Inc. TomCat
The TomCat is Curbtender’s most versatile refuse collection truck. This manual side loader was made to be custom tailored for your operation with options like single or dual-stream collection, 6-18 cubic yard body, full ejection or satellite waste transfer (into a rear loader), and multiple lifting attachments. Curbtender doesn’t sacrifice on quality or features just because the TomCat is considered a “little truck.” Instead, we’ve created a manual side loader that is the most durable packer in its product class. With a single piece formed Hardox floor and monster hopper clean-out doors, the TomCat is ready to handle your toughest jobs.
- Chiseled shell design
- Ultra-high strength-to-weight ratio
- Low loading height
- Loads from both sides
- Simultaneous load-and-pack
- 14-16 second packing cycle time
- Standard 8” side doors
- No-fall back design Full eject method
- 6 – 18 Cubic Yard Body Sizes
- Taller Hopper Side Doors
- Satellite Ejection (Tilt-to-Transfer in Rear Loader)
- Split Body Configurations
- Cart Tippers Mounted on Both Sides
- Multiple Cart Tipper Types
Wayne TomCat Dumping Carts and Clearing the Hopper
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