E-Pak Manufacturing Car Hauler Trailer
Body Specifications
- Body Type: Car Hauler
- Length: 45′ To 53′
- Side Height: 96″ To 111″
- Width: 102″ Wide
- Body Composition: 3/16″
- Top Rail: 4″ X 3″ X 3/16″ Tube
- Flooring: Permanent Dunnage W/ Drip Edge
- Lighting: LED Lighting System
- Primer: PPG AT370 2 Part Epoxy Primer
- Paint: PPG AUE370 2 Part High Solids, Polyurethane
- Suspension: Hutch 900 50k
- Axle Spacing: Standard
- Axles: 5″ Round Axles (Abs) Auto Slacks
- Brakes: 75″ X 16″ With 30/30 Chambers
- Rims: Steel Rims
- Tires: 11r 225′ Radial Tubeless Rubber
(3) Sets of Car Bunks W/(2) Sets of Straps & Winches
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