E-Pak Manufacturing Double Lid Sludge Container
E-Pak engineers and designs a lid system for a liquid-tight container. With a top lid seal and an easy roll track system, each container is fully water tested before it leaves our facility.
- Sides: 3/16”
- Floor: 1/4”
- Understructure: 3” structural channel
- Spacing: 15” on center, gusseted 30” ctr
- Long sills: 6” x 2” x 1/4” tube
- Top rail: 4” x 3” x 3/16” tube
- Gate: sealed with double ratchet
- Hook plate: 3/4” hook plate w/ 1 1/4” grab hook
- Hinge system: floating
- Wheels: 8” x 10” steel wheels
- Wheel axles: 1 3/8” standard w/ grease fittings
- Paint: PPG alkyd enamel primer & paint
- Latch system: handle & grade 70 vchain w/ pin & clevis
- Spring loaded sealed rolling lid system
- Drains
- Dewatering cage
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