E-Pak Manufacturing Waste Tub Open Top Roll-Off Container
Great for contractor and waste hauler applications, tub style containers offer a tapered design from front to back, allowing the user to consolidate trips to the job site while containers are empty. Upon purchase, the ability to nest the containers inside one another leads to reduced transportation costs. A smooth-sided configuration also provides a large flat surface to decal and market the container.
- Sides: 10 gauge
- Floor: 3/16”
- Understructure: 3” structural channel
- Spacing: 15” on center, gusseted 30” ctr
- Long sills: 6” x 2” x 3/16” tube
- Top rail: 4” x 3” x 3/16” tube
- Hook plate: 3/4” hook plate w/ 1 1/4” grab hook
- Wheels: inboard 5” front, 8” rear
- Wheel axles: 1 3/8” standard w/ grease fittings
- Paint: PPG alkyd enamel primer & paint
- Latch system: handle type
- Ratchet latch system
- Push plate
- Hook lift
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