Skylift Champ Compact Hydraulic and Mobile Power Unit
The CHAMP generates hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical power. Key features include a hydraulic tool circuit, a rotary-screw air compressor, a generator and a TIG Welder.
- Weight: 3,600 lbs.
- Length: 8’2″ overall
- Height: 4’8″
- Air tank capacity: 19 gallons
- Width: 35″ tracks closed; 50″ tracks open
- Base: high-strength low-alloy steel construction
- Engine: 24.8 HP Diesel EPA Tier 4 Final Compliant
- Air compressor: rotary-screw 60 CFM @ 3,600 RPM @ 125 PSI
- Generator: 6,000 watts @ 3,600 RPM
- Toolbox dimensions: 18″x18″x30″ aluminum construction
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